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DuckDB 🐤 Spatial 🌎

To make this choropleth, let’s start by adding the unemployment dataset in the front-matter:

We have configured DuckDB’s SPATIAL extension, so it’s available directly in sql.

We can load geospatial shapes (in TopoJSON format), with the ST_read command defined in SPATIAL (it integrates the classic GDAL library).

First, use a local copy of the US Atlas:

const url = import.meta.resolve("npm:us-atlas@3/counties-10m.json");

and import it into the counties table:


Now we can read back this table; we use a WITH clause with “fake” parameters to ensure that this query runs after the counties table has been filled. (This will be necessary for all queries that depend on that table.)

WITH dependencies AS (SELECT ${counties, 1})
FROM counties

GDAL knows how to translate TopoJSON to GeoJSON. Let’s join it at the same time with our unemployment data, in a single query:

WITH dependencies AS (SELECT ${counties, 1})
SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(geom) AS "geom"
     , counties."id"
     , "rate"
     , "state"
     , "county"
  FROM counties
  LEFT JOIN unemployment
    ON counties.id = unemployment.id
Plot.geo(rates, {
  geometry: (d) => JSON.parse(d.geom),
  fill: "rate",

All that remains is to add a projection and a proper color scale & legend:

const chart = Plot.plot({
  projection: "albers-usa",
  color: {type: "quantize", n: 9, domain: [1, 10], scheme: "blues", label: "Unemployment rate (%)", legend: true},
  marks: [
    Plot.geo(rates, {
      geometry: ({geom}) => JSON.parse(geom),
      fill: "rate",
      tip: {channels: {id: "id", state: "state", county: "county"}}